How Much Does It Cost To Have A Key Rekeyed For A Car By A Locksmith?

how much does it cost to have a key rekeyed for a car by a locksmith

It’s essential to have a spare Smart Key on hand, especially if you’ve lost all the original keys. If you don’t, it will cost you at least $1,000 to replace all the locks and keys in your vehicle. You’ll also be subject to the inconvenience of a tow truck or dealership. Fortunately, there are several alternatives to costly locksmith services.

You can also opt to have your car key rekeyed by an automotive locksmith. They can rekey the lock on your door without damaging the ignition or lock. This will help prevent a stolen car key from being made again. Having a key rekeyed is much less expensive than having to buy a new one.

Depending on the type of key you need, the cost of rekeying your car will vary. Laser-cut keys can be as much as $100, while a standard transponder key will cost anywhere from $40 to $60. If you don’t have a spare key, you’ll likely need to have your car towed. A locksmith is the cheapest option, but it’s still possible to save money by programming your own key.

Rekeying a car by a professional locksmith will cost anywhere from $40 to $150. It can be a worthwhile investment if your car keys break or get stolen. A professional rekeying will prevent thieves from using the same key, and will keep you from having to worry about it being stolen again. It is also a good idea to have the locks rekeyed when a key is lost or stolen. You may need to have a new door lock type if the lock is worn out and the keys are no longer working properly. If you find a working door lock, consider getting one from a junkyard.

You might want to contact a local locksmith for a quote before you hire them. A professional locksmith will be able to unlock your vehicle and rekey the locks, so you can get the key you need to unlock your car. The cost will depend on your car’s make and model and the complexity of the job. You’ll be able to get a better quote once they see the lock and unlock your car.

You can pay between seven and 125 dollars to have a key duplicated for your car by a professional. The cost of a duplicate key will depend on the key blank, whether a remote is required, and whether you need to program the new key. If your car is equipped with a smart chip, the cost will be significantly higher.

Car keys can be extremely expensive, so it’s best to replace them as soon as possible. You can save up to three hundred dollars or more by hiring a locksmith. Depending on the model of your car, the cost will range from $50 to $250. Locksmiths can replace broken house keys as well, but if you’ve lost a transponder chip, the cost will be even higher. Contact a locksmith.