Insurance companies usually have specific policies that cover lockouts. Some will cover a limited number of such emergencies, while others will cap the amount of coverage. If you are unsure whether your policy will cover the service, call your car insurance company and ask them if they cover it. Then, follow their instructions. If you’re covered, you’ll be glad you called them in the first place.
Insurance coverage should cover emergency locksmith services. In most cases, the cost of a locksmith service will range between $50 and $100. If you are covered under your car insurance plan, a locksmith will charge you only if you need their services. You should also make sure to ask the insurer about a roadside assistance plan. It’s always a good idea to add roadside assistance coverage to your policy so you can avoid a costly lockout.
If you’re covered by your auto insurance, you don’t have to pay a cent upfront for any locksmith services. In most cases, you’ll be reimbursed after receiving a receipt from your insurer. Adding this type of coverage to your auto insurance plan won’t increase your premiums. So if you’re a locksmith, you’ll be able to get the job done and get paid for it!
Auto insurance covers a variety of services, including locksmith services, including key cutting and lockouts. However, many auto insurers restrict the number of times you can claim lockout services and the maximum amount per claim. To get full coverage for such services, you’ll need to check your policy’s conditions. For instance, many car insurance companies require that you have collision and comprehensive coverage before they will cover any lockout services.
Typically, you can get the standard package which covers up to twenty miles of towing and up to $90 for locksmith services. You’ll also receive trip interruption benefits, legal defense, hospital emergency room bonds, and even a $500 vehicle repair check guarantee. Standard coverage costs $79 for singles, $94 for couples, and $119 for a family plan. A locksmith’s fee depends on the location and the time of day.
Auto locksmiths have the knowledge and expertise to open locked cars without a key. Their strategies vary based on the lock system of the car and the lock type. One of the most common ways to get into a car without a key is known as “jimmying” – sliding a thin piece of metal between the weather stripping and window. A locksmith can then use this to open the vehicle.