If you’ve lost your car keys and want to program a key fob to gain access to your car, you should know how much it costs to have a locksmith program your key. While you can purchase a blank key and replace it yourself, programming a key fob requires a special tool. The cost of the tool depends on the type of fob you need and whether you’re lucky enough to have one with a long battery life.
When you’re looking for a locksmith to program your key fob, the year of manufacture can give you a good idea of the cost. While key programming has become easier for cars that were manufactured in the past decade, the complexity of keys increases each year. Moreover, some rarer cars may be difficult to find replacement remotes and key blanks, or have outdated inputs. To avoid getting charged for a service that is not needed, you can find a locksmith who will program your key fob for free or for a minimal charge.
The price for programming a key fob can range from $50 to $100. The type of fob you own and how complicated the programming is will determine the cost. Moreover, if the key is rare or a dealer fob, the price will increase. If you need to replace your key fob, the local locksmith can also replace the batteries if necessary. The cost of programming a key fob depends on the complexity of the fob, the model of your car, and the locksmith experience and training.
If you’re concerned about the cost of a locksmith key programming service, you should always have a spare keys handy. Not only can these make the process much simpler and cheaper, but they also make it easier for you to replace the key yourself. The same thing holds true if you’re wondering how much it costs to program a key fob. But if you have a spare key, you’ll be able to save money by programming it yourself.
You can also call an authorized dealership to reprogram a key fob. These dealerships may charge more than a locksmith services to program a key fob. Nonetheless, a good locksmith can program a key fob for you at a much lower cost than a dealership would. When you visit an authorized car dealership, be sure to bring a copy of your car’s owner’s identification with you, so the auto locksmith can verify that it is yours.
When it comes to cost, you should know that the best locksmith will charge an hourly rate, so the cost of programming a key fob for your car should be based on the complexity of the job. Typically, a professional locksmith will charge an hourly rate of $50 or more, but the longer the process takes, the higher the cost. Some type of locksmiths may also charge an emergency fee. If the key is stuck in the ignition, you should know that the cheap locksmith service could cost as much as $135 if you’ve lost your car keys.